Are Fibroids Cancerous? We Tackle Your Fibroid FAQs
We know you may be worried. If you’ve been told you have fibroids, the first question that may come to your mind is: “Are fibroids cancerous?”
So let’s give you a sense of relief:
Fibroids are not cancerous, nor do they increase your chances of getting cancer.
However, fibroids are very common, and they can make you miserable, causing pain, prolonged periods, and heavy bleeding. They can also make it more difficult to conceive, depending on where the fibroids are located. For these reasons, we always recommend fibroid treatment. If you are having the symptoms mentioned, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us to see if you’ve developed fibroids.
Now that you know fibroids are benign, you probably have other concerns. Therefore, we’ve compiled some of the most common questions our patients ask us to give you the answers you need.
My Doctor Told Me I Have Fibroids–What Does That Mean?
Fibroids are essentially growths in or around your uterus. In fact, if you’re of childbearing age, there’s a more than 50% chance you’ll develop them at some point in your life.
Is It True That Fibroids Can Be Very Large?
Yes, it is, but that doesn’t necessarily mean yours are. In fact, some of them can be as small as a pea while others may be the size of a grapefruit. We can discover fibroids during an annual pelvic exam. However, we’ll likely perform an ultrasound or a hysteroscopy to confirm the diagnosis and determine the size, shape, and location of the fibroids.
What Caused My Fibroids?
Research is still ongoing to pinpoint the exact cause of fibroids. However, scientists believe fibroids can develop when abnormal cells grow after prolonged exposure to estrogen hormones.
Am I at Risk of Developing Fibroids?
We’ve already discussed that fibroids are very common among women of childbearing age, but you may have some other risk factors that can increase your likelihood of getting them. Ask yourself these questions:
- Has anyone in my family had fibroids?
- Do I eat a lot of red meat?
- Have I been diagnosed with high blood pressure?
- Am I overweight or obese according to a BMI calculator? (You can discover your BMI here.)
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then some studies suggest you may be at greater risk of developing fibroids. It’s also important to note that African-American women are more likely to develop fibroids than other ethnic groups, although research is not clear why.
What Fibroid Symptoms Should I Watch For?
Actually, you may not have any severe symptoms at all. Some women have extreme symptoms, while others have ones that are relatively mild. Regardless, you should schedule an appointment with us if you experience:
- Bleeding between your periods
- Abdominal or pelvic pain
- Periods that are heavier or longer than usual
- Constipation
- Frequent urination
- Painful sex
Are Fibroids Serious?
Most of the time, no, although they may require treatment so any related symptoms do not get worse.
In certain cases, there are times when fibroids can cause an emergent situation. Go to the ER if you have severe, sharp and sudden abdominal pain or excessive vaginal bleeding with lightheadedness. Fortunately, these emergency situations are not that common.
How Do I Get Rid of My Fibroids?
If your fibroids aren’t causing any problems, we’ll keep a watchful eye on them to be sure they don’t grow. However, in other cases, they will need to be removed. We consider each situation on a case-by-case basis, so we’re dedicated to customizing an individualized plan just for you. If your fibroid isn’t relieved with medicine and more conservative measures, we may need to surgically remove them or perform an ablation.
Are Fibroids Cancerous? No, But They May Require Treatment From Our OBGYNs in Raleigh
If you’re relieved to discover that fibroids are not cancerous, you should know that the situation is not over. Fibroids can cause complications in pregnancy, problems with your period, pain, and have a dramatic impact on your life.
We’ll create a specialized plan for you so you don’t have to put up with the chronic discomfort of fibroids. For decades, we’ve served patients throughout the Raleigh area. Schedule an appointment with us today and discover our uniquecombination of state-of-the-art treatment coupled with compassionate, individualized care.
The information in this article and the other articles on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider.